Brunei is a very small country but very rich in tradition. The characteristic feature of weddings in Brunei  is inviting whole country. Probably cause of that is Brunei’s small population. During a wedding ceremony , almost like a public holiday was declared. Couples married within the borders of Brunei -no matter they are citizens of which countries- have to presence in front of the Brunei’s sultan..

This is not an annoying obligation, because the sultan gives a lot of gifts to newly married couples. Ahmad ve Hafizah Noor married and settled in Brunei. Their wedding made according to these traditions. Ahmad is a citizen of Brunei, Noor Hafizah is daughter of a Malaysian family. Saifuddin couple’s spending is very low altough their wedding is lux for other countries.

The main reason of that is conveniences by Brunei sultan for youngs to get married . Living whole life in Brunei provided that, these conveniences includes purchasing and placing  all goods of newly married couples, and finding jobs for them if they were unemployed. Ahmad Saifuddin was a local journalist, after the wedding he is prometed to photographer of sultan. Sultan had hundereds of photographers and he was recorded almost every seconds by got photographed. A job was founded for  Hafizah Noor too, but her family didn’t want their doughter work, because of their earnings are quite good.

(Thanks to Hüseyin Küçükali for translation)

Musa Yay'ın Yazısı.